Sharif Abdul Based

Sharif Abdul Based

Islamic law

Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Women’s Inheritance Rights and Economic Empowerment in Bangladesh: Socio-cultural and Legal Perspectives

 Emmanuel Agyemang

Emmanuel Agyemang

African Studies

Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies
Getting a Job in Ghana: Impacts of Social Networks on Labour Markets and Effects on Graduates Job Attainment in Urban settings of Ghana.

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Doris Alago

Business Information Systems

Faculty of Economics and Management Science

Adoption of Digital Marketing by entrepreneurial Universities for Youth Empowerment

 Harun Akdemir

Harun Akdemir

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Die ontologische Suche nach der Anerkennung von Muslim:innen in Berlin

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Margarita Artemova

European Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Factors of the acquisition of the sense of home in immigrants’ integration into the receiving community: the case of expats from Eastern and South Eastern Europe in a German context

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David Bayer

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Feeding the cycle: Intervention and Persistent Violence in Mali and the Eastern DRC.

 Enrico Behne

Enrico Behne

Global Studies - Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

- Organizational Learning at the African Union A study on the African Union peacebuilding bureaucracy and its infrastructure for learning -

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Liubov Blunk

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Student Internationalism and Political Transformations: Student Unions from Germany, the Soviet Union and India and their crossborder connections in the context of changing political orders (1919-1968)

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Gaowei Chen


Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Transnational Flows of Knowledge in Physical Education in Early Modern China

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Chao-Chun Chien

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy
When the Dragon returns to Sea: How China's Smart Power influences Singapore to Solve Malacca Dilemma

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Kamal Chomani

Political Sciences

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Political legitimating processes in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region between 1991 and 2023

 Roberto Cruz Romero

Roberto Cruz Romero

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Transparency Policies and Institutional Determinants of Economic Growth

 Isaac Duodu

Isaac Duodu

Economic Sciences

Faculty of Economics and Management Science

Exploring the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Gaps; Towards a Framework for Start-Ups Upscaling for Sustainable Graduates’ Employment in Ghana.

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Kerem Duymus

African Studies

Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

The political Economy and Governance in the Sokoto Caliphate


 Temitope Faloye

Temitope Faloye

African Studies

Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Gender mainstreaming policy and soft skills exhibition as predictors of female University graduate employability in Southwest Nigeria

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Inge Fiedler


Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Faith-based and non-faith-based views on organ donation in Germany. An ethnographic exploration among three communities

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Hanna Formankova

Political Science

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Studie zur Durchführbarkeit einer gemeinsamen identitätsstiftenden deutsch-tschechischen Nachbarschaft aus transnationaler Perspektive

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Lisa Füchte


Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Die 'Careseite' der Arbeit. (Un)sichtbarkeiten von Sorgetätigkeit in Zukunftsentwürfen, Lebensrealitäten und Blickregimen nach den Russischen Revolutionen 1917

 Evelyn Gonzalez Guevara

Evelyn Gonzalez Guevara

Political Sciences

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Evolution of counterinsurgency strategies in Türkiye and Colombia after the end of their respective peace processes from 2018 onwards

 Konstantin Groß

Konstantin Groß

American Studies

Faculty of Philology

Collective Nature Perceptions in the USA in the 1970s to 1990s.
A Discourse-Historical Investigation of Nature-Culture Conflicts in US-American Blockbuster Movies

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Rebecca Grossi

European Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Chronicles of Romania: from Ceausescu to sailing the Black Sea

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Johann Christoph Gümmer

Arabic Studies

Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Shiite Islam in Germany. A multi-perspective portrayal

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Polina Gundarina


Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Houses of Culture on post-Socialist space: transformation of functions and values of Socialist urban infrastructure

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Deniz Ali Gür

Religion Studies

Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

The Bektashi Network in the Making of Modern Egypt: A Transnational History of (Post-)Ottoman Elites

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Mathias Hack


Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

(Zeit-) Reisen nach Ostafrika. Tourismus in Kenia und Tansania (1970-2000)

 Robert Hankins

Robert Hankins

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Entrenchment of Authoritarain Populists in East Germany and the Southern United States

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Manuel Harms

Graduate School Global and Area Studies

 Judith Ruth Hesse

Judith Ruth Hesse

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Historical Entanglements and Global/Local Dynamics of Unequal Mobility Patterns in Caribbean Central America

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Vincent Hoyer


Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Leisure under Control? The Politicization of Amusement Cultures in Warsaw, Poznań and Lviv 1890-1914


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Cedric Jürgensen

wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft

Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)
Nikolaistraße 10
04109 Leipzig

 Gökay Kanmazalp

Gökay Kanmazalp

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

"Ottoman at Home, European at School”: The Role of Galatasaray High School in Multilingual Education Debates from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey

 Ali Kaya

Ali Kaya

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Turkey's Foreign Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa from 1998 to 2022: A Quest for a Normative Power Role, The Horn of Africa Case.

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Karina Khasnulina

African studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Transnational Transfers and the Making of Modernity in early Maoist China

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Felix Kolb

Political Ecology

Institut für Strukturwandel und Nachhaltigkeit (HALIS) - MLU

Searching for the new global periphery – Socioecological negotiations about
lithium mining in Spain

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Katrin Köster

Research Fellow

Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 5.37
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37875

 Yee Lak Elliot Lee

Yee Lak Elliot Lee

Research Fellow

Moderne Türkeiforschung
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 441
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37731

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Junwen Li

African Studies

Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

How tea took root in Kenya during the twenties century as both a cash crop and a non-alcoholic beverage

 Danai Liodaki

Danai Liodaki

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

New workspaces in peripheral communities - factors of success and policy implications

 Quirin Julian Benedikt Lübke

Quirin Julian Benedikt Lübke

Global Studies - Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

- Help from behind the Wall – East German support for the Anti-Apartheid movement during the Cold War -

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Ulrike Luttenberger

African Studies

Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Bureaucratic practices in Senegalese popular music


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Therese Mager

Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 5.25
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37895

 Cynthia Dominique Makouo Happi

Cynthia Dominique Makouo Happi

Global Studies Peace and Security in Africa

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy
The Resurgence of Unconstitutional Change of Government in Africa

 Yue Mao

Yue Mao

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

"(Re-)Inventing the Rurban: Progressive and alternative spaces of work in peripheral communities in
Central and Eastern Europe"

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Damaris Martin


Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Biomedicine and Evangelization in an African Christian Mission Hospital

 Dollly Mavuta

Dollly Mavuta

Economic Sciences

Faculty of Economics and Management Science

Critical Analysis on Training Methodologies on Entrepreneurial Mindset among Graduates of Sampled Universities in Kenya.

 Charlotte Meier

Charlotte Meier

Research Fellow

International Relations and Transnational Politics
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15, Room H3 0.14
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35612
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35694

Office hours
nach Vereinbarung

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Paul-Alexandre Lucien Mermet

Research Fellow

Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)
Nikolaistraße 10
04109 Leipzig

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Lea Antonia Middell


Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Divided or united - Germany, Korea, and Ireland compared

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Sirarpi Movsisyan

European Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Constructing Homelands in “Host-Space”: GDR- and FGR-Armenians and Their Multi-Local Homelands

 Nasser Msalem

Nasser Msalem


Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences

Unemployment of Tunisian Graduates: The social and solidarity economy as an operational alternative

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Shirwan Muhammed

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Mass Atrocities Healing via Third Parties Intervention into Civil War

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Munashe William Mupoperi

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

The state of the rights and protection of people living with disabilities in Africa: A case study of Zimbabwe under the 2013 constitution.

 Gudeta Adula Negera

Gudeta Adula Negera

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Normalizing Ethio-Eritrea Relations and its implication for the Horn of Africa: Appraising Political and Economic Implications

 Malin Nissen

Malin Nissen

Research Fellow

Institute of Political Science
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15, Room H2 0.05
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97-35695

Office hours
nach Vereinbarung

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Tuğçe Özdemir

Religion Studies

Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Raising a Pious Generation in Neoliberal Age: Education and Youth Policies in the AKP Era

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Aurelia Ohlendorf


Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Sozialistische Entwicklungsmodell für die 'Dritte Welt'

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Kristin Opitz

Archaeology of the ancient world

Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO)

Die Bevölkerung des 4.-6. Jahrhunderts an oberer und mittlerer Donau. Eine komplexe Analyse aus archäologisch-anthropologischer Perspektive

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Friedrich Wolfgang Opitz

Political Sciences

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Transformation in the American Midwest and Eastern Germany

 Sushobhan Parida

Sushobhan Parida

wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft

Institute of Political Science
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15
04107 Leipzig

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Mariya Petrova


Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Transformation of public transport infrastructure in Samarkand: between global modernity discourses, contesting interests and everyday livelihoods

 Miriam Pfordte

Miriam Pfordte

Geschichte des 19. bis 21. Jahrhunderts
Nikolaistraße 6-10, Room H3.201
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37111

Office hours
nach Vereinbarung

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Milan Procyk

European Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

A socialist intelligence community? China expertise in Eastern Europe in a transregional perspective

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Eleonora Psenner


Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences

Creative hubs as drivers of change in peripheral business ecosystems; a comparison between Germany and Austria


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Helen Laura Reichelt

Cultural History

Institute for Cultural Studies, Faculty for Social Sciences & Philosophy

Topic: Transnational mobility & networks of women in the early European workers’ movement (ca. 1870-1890)

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Daria Reznyk


Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Soviet Deportations from the Western part of Ukraine: A History of Experiences and of Memories

 Emna Saidi

Emna Saidi

Economic Science

Faculty of Economics and Management Science

The Role of Tunisian SMEs in the employment of HEI graduates: quantitative and qualitative approach.

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Markus Sattler

Institur für Länderkunde
Schongauerstraße 9
04328 Leipzig

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Kaja Schelker

Art History

Leibniz-Institute GWZO

Regionales Bauen in Zakopane in vergleichender Perspektive

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Vincent Joshua Schober

Research Fellow

Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 4.01
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37847

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Alban Sharkey

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

UNSCOP’s Minority Proposal in Global Territorial Change

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Gunel Shukurova

European Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy
„New Wars“ in globalizing Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus: Case studies of conflicts in Ukraine and Georgia

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Quinyi Song


Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Social Interaction and Identity Construction of Chinese restaurant workers in Germany

 Hermine Sossouhounto

Hermine Sossouhounto

African Studies

Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Higher Education and the Challenges of Employability in Benin and in Cames

 Abebe Tesfa

Abebe Tesfa

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Analyzing the Dynamism of the Pastoral Conflict and Region... Complex in the Horn of Africa: A Track towards Conflict Management and Peace Building Inquiry in Omo-Ilemi triangle

 Jean-Marc Toni

Jean-Marc Toni

Economic Science

Faculty of Economics and Management Science

Study for the Design of a Program Combining Technical and Vocational Education and Training with General Education to Promote Startups and Emplayability among Benein Graduates

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Erik Vanderheyden

European Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

EU Discourse of Nationalist Parties: Scotland, Catalonia and Flanders

 Camille Vern

Camille Vern

Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 4.03
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37845

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Tom Vörkel

Political Sciences

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

The Normalization of Protest. Problems of the securitization of assemblies in Germany from the perspective of democratic subjectivation

 Sophia Wagemann

Sophia Wagemann

Cultural Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Der hormonelle Körper: Orale Verhütung als Schauplatz der Körperlichkeit (1970-heute)

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Xue Wang

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Knowledge about Black Soils in China (1930-1966): Its Initiation, Development, and Transformation

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Skollan Elisabeth Warnck

Research Fellow

Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 4.03
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37741

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Kuan Xing

Global Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

A Study on the Left-wing Writers and their Interactions with State Censorship of the German Democratic Republic

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Tuan Syarifah Nursyaza Aina Binti Tuan Mohd Zawawi (Syarifah Aina)

History of Religions

Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies

Contextualizing Historical Perspectives of Religious Diversity: A Comparative Study of Shahrastānī and Alexander Ross

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Melek Zorlu Öztürk

Political Science

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Reproduction of Cultural Conservatism: The Struggles for Cultural Hegemony in Turkey's Conservative Right in the 1950's and 2000's