Kathleen Schlütter is a researcher at the Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe). She is working on the shifts in knowledge production under the global condition, currently studying the example of “area studies” in Germany. She wrote her doctorate at the University of Leipzig in Global Studies on French higher education and research policy under Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy (publication 2024). She gained substantial adminstrative and intercultural expertise by working as deputy head of unit in French-German higher education management for several years.
Her research interests include Higher education and research policy within the knowledge-based economy, digital humanities, transnationalization, cultural transfer, History of Science and French History (20th/21st century).
Professional career
- since 05/2024
Associated researcher at Centre Marc Bloch (CMB) - since 07/2022
Researcher within the project "Die Produktion von Weltwissen im Umbruch" at ReCentGlobe, University of Leipzig - 10/2011 - 05/2022
PhD in Global Studies, Title: "French Higher Education and Research Policy 2002-2012: Between global ambitions and national implementations" ("Die französische Hochschul- und Forschungspolitik 2002-2012: zwischen globalem Anspruch und nationaler Umsetzung", summa cum laude), International PhD training program "Global and Area Studies" - 06/2014 - 12/2019
Editor/author of the news section "France" on the information and news portal Kooperation International ( - 06/2012 - 03/2022
Officer, deputy and acting head of unit at the Franco-German University (Deutsch-Französische Hochschule / Université franco-allemande), in Saarbrücken and Berlin - 06/2010 - 06/2012
Scientific officer at the Kompetenzschule ELSYS (Research Academy Leipzig)
- 10/2003 - 07/2010
Magistra Artium in Kulturwissenschaften, Frankreichstudien and Journalism at the University of Leipzig and the Université de Provence
Panel Memberships
- since 09/2024
Post-doc representative at ReCentGlobe - since 07/2024
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of DISTAM (DIgital STudies Africa, Asia, Middle East), France - since 04/2023
NFDI4Memory: Co-Measure Lead “Area Histories” (Task Area 4 “Data Literacy”)
- NFDI4MemoryMiddell, MatthiasDuration: 03/2023 – 02/2028Funded by: DFG Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftInvolved organisational units of Leipzig University: Global and European Studies Institute; Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)
- Die Produktion von Weltwissen im UmbruchMiddell, MatthiasDuration: 10/2021 – 09/2025Funded by: BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und ForschungInvolved organisational units of Leipzig University: Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)
- Rozo Higuera, C.; Schlütter, K.The production of world knowledge transformed. First results on the dynamics of Area Studies in Germany (2003-2025) (2024)
- Schlütter, K.Exzellenz und Égalité. Die französische Hochschul- und Forschungspolitik zwischen globalem Anspruch und nationaler Umsetzung (2002 bis 2012)Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2024.ISBN: 978-3-525-30218-7
- Schlütter, K.Higher Education and Research: An Integral Part of the French Globalization ProjectFrench Globalization Projects . Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2024.ISBN: 978-3-525-30217-0
- Schlütter, K.When digital humanities meet East Asian studies: the state of play and the way forward (2024)
- Lehmkuhl, U.; Middell, M.; Ommert, E.; Schlütter, K.Forschungsdaten in den Area Histories: die NFDI4Memory und die FachinformationsdiensteConnections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists. 2025.DOI: 10.60693/n652-rk29
- Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)Conseil scientifique du DISTAMStart Date of Collaboration: 30/09/2024External participating organisations: DISTAM (DIgital STudies Africa, Asia, Middle East) (Paris, France)Involved persons: Schlütter, Kathleen
- VortragA research community in the global condition: Preliminary results on the dynamics of Area Studies in Germany (2003-2025)Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)Event Organiser: Rozo Higuera, Carolina; Schlütter, Kathleen16/11/2023
- VortragTaking bibliometrics to the next level: Measuring booksLeipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)Event Organiser: Schlütter, Kathleen; Rozo Higuera, Carolina01/07/2024
- VortragMapping and Measuring Interdisciplinary Knowledge with New Approaches: The Example of Area StudiesLeipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)Event Organiser: Schlütter, Kathleen; Rozo Higuera, Carolina04/09/2024
- RoundtableRoundtable “The Future of the Archive(s): Digital Infrastructures Across Regions”Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)Event Organiser: Ommert, Eva; Schlütter, Kathleen16/11/2023