Date/Time: to
Location: Strohsackpassage, Raum 5.55
Event series: GlobeColloquium

A cooperation of ReCentGlobe with the Institute of Communication and Media Studies.

Book presentation with Anna Reading (London) und Noam Tirosh (Beer Sheva)

The field of memory studies has typically focused on everyday memory and commemoration practices through which we construct meaning and identities. The Right to Memory looks beyond these everyday practices, focusing instead on how memory relates to human rights and socio-legal constructs in order to legitimize and protect groups and individuals. With case studies including Polish Holocaust Law, the Indian origins of Amartya Sen’s capability theory approach, and the right to memory through digital technologies in Brazilian and British museums, this collected volume seeks to establish the right to memory as a foundational topic in memory studies.

Tirosh, N., & Reading, A. (Eds.). (2023). THE RIGHT TO MEMORY History, Media, Law, and Ethics. Berghahn Books.

Noam Tirosh is a senior lecturer in the department of Communication Studies at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. He is the author of many journal articles and book chapters covering topics ranging from the European right to be forgotten to the memory rights of the Palestinian minority in Israel, refugees and asylum seekers, and Jews deported from Arab countries.

Anna Reading is Professor of Culture and Creative Industries at Kings College, University of London, and Honorary Visiting Professor to the Institute for Culture and Society at Western Sydney University. She is also Director of the Arts and Humanities Research Institute at King’s College, and has published extensively on media and memory.