News from

22nd International Summer School of the Graduate School Global and Area Studies, Leipzig University, in cooperation with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Regional Studies (ZIRS), Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg



Monday, 24 June

10 am – 10.30 amWelcome by the Rector of Leipzig University Eva Inés Obergfell and by Jonathan Everts (Halle) and Megan Maruschke (Leipzig)
10.30 am – 12 pm

Jenny Haase (Halle): Aesthetic Perspectives on Multiple Crises from the Latin American South: Socio-economic, Ecological and Feminist Entanglements.

Moderation: Felix Schiedlowski (Halle)

1 pm – 3.30 pm

Panel 1 - The Climate of Method: How to do Research in Critical Times. 

Chair: Jonny Grünsch (Halle) 

Jonny Grünsch (Halle): Field-Philosophy: Climate Justice and Social-Ecological Transformation in, for, and from Pödelwitz

Luisa Mohr (Catania): Which Method Responds to Multi-Crisis Lifeworlds? Visual and Collaborative Research on Ecological Reparation in Late Industrial Sicily

Helena Böhmová (Halle): On the way to Urgent Repair? (Late) Industrial Landscape Culture in Saxony Anhalt

Kim Dittmann (Halle): Legitimise the Energy Transition: An Para-Ethnographic Analysis of Citizen Participation in Saxony & Baden-Württemberg

Comment: Amy Walker (Halle)

4 pm – 6 pm 

Panel 2 - Governance and Domestic Policy in Response to Global Dynamics and Multiple Crises

Chair: Wyatt Constantine (Leipzig)

Fengru Zou (London): Complexity Science and Democratic Stability: A Case Study of Serbia under Vučić's Rule

Johann Christoph Gümmer (Leipzig): Global Dynamics, Locals Responses. Domestic Policies of the Federal Republic of Germany towards Ḥizb Allāh

Cynthia Makouo Happi (Addis Ababa/Leipzig): Governance Challenges in Central Africa: Taking Stock of Significant Strides by the African Union and the Economic Community of Central African States

Comment: Gilad Ben-Nun (Leipzig)

Tuesday, 25 June

9:30 am – 11.45 pm

Panel 3 - Crisis Management as a Struggle over (Democratic) Sovereignty

Chair: Tom Vörkel (Leipzig)

Luisa Stuhr (Cottbus): Energy Crisis and Resource Conflicts in Local Government 

Fabian Rasem (Frankfurt): Transformation Conflicts, Participation Processes and Social Cohesion 

Carla Ostermayer (Innsbruck): Die Rückkehr des Naturschrecks – Naturbeherrschung und die radikalen Rechten in Zeiten der Klimakrise

Comment: Daniela Ruß (Leipzig)

1.30 pm – 3 pm

Roundtable – Transnational and Transregional Research and the School of New Global Dynamics

Matthias Middell (Leipzig), Jonathan Everts (Halle), Megan Maruschke (Leipzig), Jens Herpolsheimer (Leipzig),  Nadin Hee (Leipzig), Antje Dietze (Leipzig)

Moderator: Martina Keilbach (Leipzig)

4 pm – 6.30 pm

Panel 4 - Democracy in Crisis: (South-) Eastern Europeans Response to Global Changes

Chair: Camille Vern (Leipzig) and Margarita Artemova (Leipzig)

Lilit Mnatsakanyan (Budapest): Constructed Relativities: Analyzing the Perceptions of Eastern Europe in Armenian Sources

Rebecca Grossi (Leipzig): Aiming for Big: Romania's Use of the Argument 'Black Sea' in the Country's Official Foreign Policy Narrative after NATO and EU Integration

Margarita Artemova (Leipzig): Seeking Home Amidst Multiple-Crisis: Exploring Migration Narratives of (South-) Eastern Europeans in Germany

Nora Mandru (Leipzig): Fervent Europeans or Orbán's Children? Youth EU Attitudes across Hungary's Peripheries

Indira Hajnacs (Leipzig): Evocation of the 'Ancient': Renegotiating History in Hungarian Popular Music

Comment: Dr. Lyubomir Pozharliev (Leipzig) and Dr. Timm Schönfelder (Leipzig)

Wednesday, 26 June

9.30 am – 11.30 am

Panel 5 - Cultural Transfer in Times of Crisis

Chair: Lea Middell (Leipzig/ Seoul)

Ryu Seunghwan (Berlin): A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed: "Intercultural Transfer" between North Korea and Tanzania against the Multiple Crises in the 1970s and the 1980s

Yang Junghee (Seoul): Transnational Culture and Activism: Chinese feminism and anti-racism activists in the COVID 19 pandemic

Comment: Antje Dietze (Leipzig)