The qualification Programme for Postdoctoral Researchers (Emerging Scholars) is a joint project between Leipzig University (GSGAS) and the Leibniz Institutes GWZO and IfL.

The Postdoc-Certificate-Programme supports emerging scholars from the regional, historical, cultural and social sciences in their further qualification in the areas of interdisciplinary competence development and in acquiring experience in cross-sectional fields such as internationalisation, networking and interdisciplinarity.

This programme line aims to provide structured training for academic careers and professional activities outside the university. The acquisition of competencies aimed comprises seven areas, which are important for the appointment of professors and other management tasks:

  1. National and international research cooperations
  2. Team and project management
  3. Scientific coordination and self-administration
  4. Academic teaching and supervision of students and PhD candidates
  5. Raising third-party funds and appropriate use of the raised funds
  6. Scientific quality management and good scientific practice
  7. Science communication and knowledge transfer

Participation in the training programme is possible from the doctorate onwards. The training period usually lasts three years. The research project should correlate with the research focus of the profile area global connections and comparisons.

Participation in the training programme will be confirmed by a certificate from the Research Academy Leipzig, that indicates the successfully completed and documented competence areas. The evaluation of the respective area takes place either through a reflection discussion, a participation- or membership confirmation or through proof of the achievement.

A final evaluation is carried out after successful participation in the programme in at least six competence areas by a committee established by the GSGAS Executive Board. An interim certificate can be issued if at least three of the seven areas of the qualification have been completed.

Applications for admission need to be addressed to the GSGAS Executive Board. The following documents should be attached: Motivation letter; curriculum vitae; statement of the connection of the (planned) research project with the research focus of the profile Global Connections and Comparisons.

Please send your application to Martina Keilbach.